Lendas Encantadas -1989 (5 баллов из 12) |
Lendas Encantadas-back sides |
Perto Do Amanhecer-1995 (10 баллов из 12) |
Perto Do Amanhecer-back sides |
Aurora Dos Sonhos -1996 (11 из 12 баллов) |
Aurora Dos Sonhos -back sides |
Refugio-2003 (6 из 12 баллов) |
Refugio -back sides |
band 2003 |
В 1984 году Apocalypse записали первую демонстрационную ленту, которую выдало в эфир Caxias Radio.
На фестивале Balada do Estudante ударник группы Chico Fasoli был признан лучшим музыкантом.
В 1985 году группа приняла участие в Рок Фестивале в Santa Catarina.
В 1985 году группа отправляется в концертное турне. В то время их музыка была похожа на Yes, Marillion, ELP и Rush.
В 1989 году группа приняла участие в самом большом и престижном фестивале Бразилии: I Circuito de Rock, организованным RBS TV и показанным практически по всему миру(ну ессно странны СССР
чего увидели)
Конкуренцию ей составили боле 250 коллективов.Перед фестивалем группу оставил гитарист Adriano Menegazzo.
И не смотря на то, что группа в составе имела только трёх человек: Chico Casara(vocal, bass and guitar), Chico Fasoli(drums) и Eloy Fritsch(keyboards and backing vocals) Apocalypse стали победителями данного фестиваля, и после награждения, они выступили, как финалисты перед 14 000 аудиторией.
Благодаря этой победе, по условиям конкурса группа имела право записать пластинку.
Спустя некоторое время группа завоевала и другой престижный всемирный фестиваль "FESTPOP"
В 90 году Apocalypse записывают свой первый диск «Apocalypse» состоящий из 11 вещей и одного хитового кавера Marillion "Lavender".
В 91 году музыканты встретились в Porto Alegre с очень влиятельным человеком этого государства: Dario Axelrud. Он помог ребятам связаться с прог лейблом Musea-records, которые выпустили этот диск.
В 1992 году был приглашен ещё один участник Chico Fasoli (вокал, гитара)
Затем несколько раз менялись гитаристы.
Радиостанции отказались выдавать в эфир музыку Апокалипсиса, отдав предпочтение коммерческой музыке. Некоторые требовали, чтобы Апокалипсис пели на английском языке. Было записано несколько композиций с английским вокалом, но всё-равно группа теряла свою популярность, и не была востребована.
Музыканты обратились опять же в концерн Musea с просьбой оказать помощь в распространении прог-группы поющей на португальском.
И свершилось чудо! Обычных сельских парней, родом из Бразилии, Musea приняла к себе и заключила пятилетний контракт с группой.
В 1995 году был выпущен диск Perto Do Amanhecer.
Приятной неожиданностью для ребят оказалось то, что их песню выпустили на компиляционном диске Музеи Melleur du Progressif. Нужно отметить, что не каждая прог-группа удостоилась этой чести.
В 96м году группа выпускает очередной диск Aurora Dos Sonhos.
Благодаря этому диску, о группе узнали прог фаны во всём мире. Ребята стали получать восторженные отзывы со всех концов света. Появились фан клубы в Нидерландах, Корее, Франции, США, Чили, Японии, и т.д.
Без сомнения это был важнейшее событие в истории группы. О Апокилипсисе заговорил весь мир, как о новой, ярчайшей звезде прог-движения!
В 1997 году, руководством MUSEA было принято решение о переиздании их первого диска. В результате переиздания было сменено оригинальное название диска с «Apocalypse» на «Lendas Encantadas» и добавлено три новых песни, а так же в отличии от оригинала, в записи принимало участие 4 человека, а не три.
Диск Lendas Encantadas был признан лучшим прогальбомом года.
Мне более всего понравились диски 95 и 96 года.
Недавно приобрёл последний диск Refugio 2003, о котором необходимо рассказать немного поподробнее.
Выход этого диска был для меня приятной неожиданностью, т.к я считал, что группа уже давным-давно распалась, и старый интернет адрес не отвечал.
Также, неожиданностью стало для меня(неприятной), что группа полностью изменила стиль. 70% материала это джаз, или джаз в разных интерпретациях.
Вот что я написал у себя на форуме: «Прослушал ещё раз последний диск.
Вот радости будет любителям фьюжена, кентербери и джаза в чистом виде.
Зачем такое было делать, не понятно.
Я мог бы пнять музыкантов, если бы ВЕСЬ диск был выдержан в этом ключе, однако 4 вещи сделаны в старом духе(Genesis/Marillion) и эти мариллионоподобные вещи СУПЕР, т.е. по 12 баллов.
Уже и делали бы то ли так, то ли эдак.
На фига было мешать в кучу? Любитель арта будет плеваться от приджазованных(70% диска)
Любитель джаза наоборот протащится от приджазованного, а на артовые вещи будет плевать.
Для кого они делали этот диск?
Диск содержит две старые бонус вещи, сыгранные в США. Народ принимает на Ура, это слышно по возгласам. Да и сами ж на концертах лабают арт-рок.
Я понимаю, когда группа скатывается к попсе (как Genesis/Marillion). Тут всё ясно: выдохлись, творческий кризис.. а здесь что? Кризисом и не пахнет, слышно, что есть потенциал, но зачем было в джаз заезжать?!»
Моему дружище Виталию Меньшикову, наоборот Lendas Encantadas больше всего понравились.
Но он не любитель неопрогрессива, как я.
Ему и последний Citizen Cain очень понравился.
APOCALYPSE Perto Do Amanhecer
баллов из 12
APOCALYPSE Aurora Dos Sonhos 1996
баллов из 12
APOCALYPSE Lendas Encantadas 89/97
баллов из 12
APOCALYPSE Refugio 2003 5
баллов из 12
Коллектив неопрогрессивного рока из Бразилии
В 1983 г. четверо друзей решили образовать свою рок-группу. Только позднее они по-настоящему научились играть.
Несколько месяцев спустя группа стала получать первые приглашения для
выступления на рок-фестивалях. Заработанные таким образом деньги пошли на
общее дело и помогли спаять ансамбль.
Одна из композиций APOCALYPSE в 1989 г. попала в сборник лучших групп юга Бразилии Circuito de Rock, что
позволило им два года спустя записать дебютный альбом.
Спродюсированный самими музыкантами диск Apocalypse, затрагивавший философские темы жизни и места
человека в обществе, отличался очень высоким качеством всех одиннадцати
композиций. Только подчекнутое ритм-секцией и соло-гитарой звучание клавишных
рождало ассоциации с ELOY, RUSH и MARILLION. Свое уважение к последней
участники группы высказали, переработав их композицию “Lavender”.
В 1993 г. Дарио Аксельруд (Dario Axelrud) представил группу специализирующейся на прогрессивном роке
Association Musea, объединяющей компанию грамзаписи и издательский центр.
Компания взялась за распространение дебютного альбома APOCALYPSE в Европе, а в
1994 г. предложила ансамблю контракт на запись компакт-диска, по которому ей
на пять лет передавались все права.
Альбом Perto do Amanecer ("Перед рассветом") появился в 1995 году, и был исполнен на родном
для музыкантов португальском языке. Для них это было принципиально, так как
отвечало задаче распространения национального языка в мире и, в конечном счете,
способствовало престижу страны.
Воплощенные в близких к персонажам Толкиена образам темы текстов песен, как отмечал журнал “Мюзеа
Мэгазин”, включали волшебство, жизнь и мечты, связанные с ними одиночество и
чувство пустоты, уничтожение природы...
Для оформления обложки музыканты пригласили четырех художников, сочетая таким образом различные техники графики
и письма. Переносящая страдания от рук человека хрупкая танцовщица,
запечатленная на ее лицевой стороне, была создана благодаря таланту Марчиано
(Marciano) и Литоса (Litos) из l'Atelier Centro Acao и символизировал дух природы.
По своему звучанию музыка коллектива более европейская, чем у большинства бразильских групп (SAGRADO,
QUANTUM). На участников ансамбля оказали сильное влияние европейские группы.
Музыканты не делают различия между неопрогрессивным и симфо-роком. Для них
прогрессивный рок - это достаточно продуманная музыка, находящаяся в
постоянных поисках совершенства совокупность многих компонентов, объединяющая
все - от классики до электронной музыки.
(с) 1998-2003 Д. Гливенко.
In 1984 Apocalypse entered the studio for the first time. The first demo tape was recorded in a studio beside Caxias Radio, a local station. By those days the band recorded tracks such as "Ira Total", "Apocalypse" and "Passaros do Abismo", which were played live in their shows. The group did another presentation at "Balada do Estudante" Festival and Chico Fasoli(drummer) won the "best musician" award.
In 1985 the band consisted of Chico Casara(lead vocals and guitar), Eloy Fritsch(keyboards and bass), Chico Fasoli(drums), Ruy Fritsch(guitar) and Adriano Menegazzo(guitar).
Still back in 1985 they played at "Rock Festival" at Santa Catarina school in Caxias do Sul with the band from Porto Alegre called Astaroth. In this same period the band recorded a second demo tape with the compositions "Delirio", "Fim do mundo", "Apocalypse", among others.
Their first show outside Caxias was in Porto Alegre(state capital) in "Rock Sao Joao" made at Atletico do Valle Club. 3000 people watched the shows as they were
1986-1988- Playing hard
In 1986 guitar player Ruy Fritsch leaves the band for a special guest appearence in Metalian band.
By this same year, Apocalypse enters the studio to record a track called "Ancestral" and next presents their show at Sao Marcos city, with the band De Falla.
Still in 1986 Apocalypse does a gig for 3000 people in "Festa das Festas" at Flores da Cunha city, with band like Nenhum de Nos, TNT and Garotos da Rua. In those days band's repertoire consisted on progressive rock inspired by bands like Yes, Marillion, ELP and Rush. Most played songs at concerts were "Lagrimas", "Livre", "Horizontes de Antimateria", "Portais da Luz", "Miragem", "Sentinela", "Passaros do Abismo", "Aurora" and "Fantasia Mistica".
In 1987 and 1988 Apocalypse took advantage of their success and continued the progressive rock shows sequence among the countryside of Rio Grande do Sul(RS) state.
Adriano Menegazzo left the band by the middle of 1988 because he couldn't fit to Apocalypse's members life philosophy.
Apocalypse decides to continue as a trio for the next gigs. The guitar absense was compensated by the keyboards and by the lead vocalist Chico Casara who played guitar on some tracks while Eloy Fritsch did the bass parts on his keyboards.
In 1989, in spite of being a trio Chico Casara(vocal, bass and guitar), Chico Fasoli(drums) and Eloy Fritsch(keyboards and backing vocals), the band participated in the biggest rock festival ever held in RS state- "I Circuito de Rock" organized by RBS TV, which is affiliated to Globo Networks. The band competed with about 250 bands and was the winner of the northeast area of the state with "So Voce" song, this gave Apocalypse the right to record a track on the "Circuito de Rock" compilation LP. According to Porto Alegre's newspaper "Zero Hora", Circuito de Rock's final had a 14.000 people public on Guaiba river' shore.
The song chosen for "Circuito de Rock" compilation was "So Voce", it were recorded at the ISAEC studios and released and promoted by Nova Trilha/RBS Records.
Other important festival of those times were named "FESTPOP" and were held in Encantado city(RS). This festival brought together more than 70 bands from all state. Apocalypse won the best composition and the best band award with the song "Luzes Da Vida". Eloy Fritsch was prized as the best musician.
"Apocalypse" LP Recording
Apocalypse started 1990 with a lot of work booked. While they were doing loads of concerts around Rio Grande do Sul, they entered ACIT's strudio at Porto Alegre to record their first LP called "Apocalypse". The band recorded 11 tracks, feauturing Marillion's hit single "Lavender".
Supporting the album release, the group made and unforgettable show to Caxias do Sul, when they blocked the city's main avenue during two hours. More than 5000 people were there listening to almost all their repertoire.
In august 1991, Apocalypse made this release album show in Porto Alegre and it were in that show that they meet one of the most important persons who helped the band to open its work and show it to the rest of the world.
Dario Axelrud was pretty amazed with Apocalypse's sound and showed to the band that their progressive rock could be enjoyed also outside Brazil. Believing in musician's talents, Dario made contact with french label Musea by sending some LP's. The french company started selling the LP in their countrym while the trio were still doing gigs around RS.
1992-1993- Return of the guitar
From left to right: Chico Fasoli, Eloy Fritsch, Ruy Fritsch and Chico Casara
1992 was a year of changes, with the entrance of guitar player Deco, Apocalypse recorded a demo tape with 6 songs sun in english and feauturing a neo-progressive rock style. "Find Me Now" was well played by local radio stations. Other tracks like "Set Me Free" really pleased the fans who wanted to hear the band's work in english. Apocalypse presented their new songs playing in Caxias do Sul, with the Band Ira. After this show, the group decides to compose new songs and guitar player Deco, who was not adapted with the changes, leaves the band.
After this, Ruy Fritsch rejoins the band to finally complete the definitive quartet which would turn out to be the biggest progressive rock band ever to emerge from RS.
1994-1997- Beyond boundaries
As local market closed its doors for quality rock, opening spaces for comercial music creating their own heroes without a cause, Apocalypse couldn't find anymore the space they had back in the eighties and decided to go for an international career. After several composing rehearsals, they recorded a demo tape with the songs "Terra Azul", "Notre Dame", "Corta" and "Magia". They sent this material to the french label MUSEA, hoping they could manage to appear in the international progressive rock market singing in portuguese and playing their own compositions.
What seemed impossible for a band which came from the countryside of Brazil, became true. The biggest progressive rock label in the world answered them with a 5 year contract. Apocalypse had became the first brazilian prog rock band in activity to sign with the french company.
Apocalypse took two years working on "Perto Do Amanhecer" cd, released in 1995 in France. All the production details were set with the label by internet, which helped to have a better communication with the french producers for making and distributing the cd. Soon the international reviews arrived to Brazil recognizing the group's talent and with them an invitation to be on the compilation "Le Melleur du Progressif Instrumental", from MUSEA.
The band was at Som Art studio in Porto Alegre recording their next cd when they received the news with a lot of excitement. The compilation cd was released by the end of 1995 with european progressive rock bands and Apocalypse from Brazil. "Notre Dame" was the track chosen, which is a song with baroque influences and also with minimoog and guitar solos.
On the following year they begun the recording of "Aurora Dos Sonhos", next cd asked by MUSEA. Apocalypse composed real opus songs from brazilian prog rock such as "Do Outro Lado Da Vida" and "Vindo Das Estrelas". Long and complex pieces with lyrical vocals.
In this recording period, the band concentrated their efforts to raise their recognizement by group's music through MUSEA label, worldwide acclaimed and which honored the distribution and promotion of band's work.
"Aurora Dos Sonhos" cd was released through MUSEA and was very well received by main progressive publications. On that period of time, musicians received letters from fans spreades over the world: Netherlands, Corea, France, USA, Chile, Japan, etc. Without a doubt it was an historic u-turn in band's history, which have had for a long time quality to represent Brazil overseas. Dealing with themes such as nature defense, misticism and sprituality, Apocalypse was starting to reach a new and selected public in love with the band's music.
In 1997 the musicians decided to remaster some recordings of their first LP and release it on the cd format. The idea was approved by MUSEA directors and the "Lendas Encantadas" cd was released with three unreleased songs as a bonus. The track "Sozinho, Perdido, Dentro de mim" was totelly re-recorded. All the album's guitars are signed by Ruy Fritsch. The cd cover was considered the best prog rock cover of the year. It was created by Mauro Machado, and was used as the opening of MUSEA's web site.
In december 1997, willing to promote progressive rock on south of Brazil, Apocalypse organized in Porto Alegre, with the support from the city hall, the "First Progressive Rock Festival" of RS. The crowd that passed by Araujo Viana auditorium was over 1500 people and the show was exibited as a TV special.
Apocalypse was formed as far as in 1983, but as a matter of fact their true activity began in the mid-'90s. Currently Apocalypse is already recognized worldwide as one of the most important Brazilian Progressive Rock bands.
1995 - "Perto do amanhecer" (56 min, "Musea")
Actually "Perto do amanhecer" is the second album by Apocalypse (see below: "Lendas encantadas"-1997*), and stylistically it is the same nice melodic Neo Symphonic Art Rock. Album contains several quite original and nice songs, though the basic structures and most arrangements become simpler and accessible in comparison with their real debut album*. Anyhow, this work can still be described as decent Neo Symphonic Rock with a number of original musical ideas. Much better than a lot of pseudo-doubles, though. (Marillion-"doubles" are beyond comparison with others in the Land of Progressive Rock . Read also the Key Review on Ozrics" "Strangeitudes".)
1996 - "Aurora dos sonhos" (67 min, "Musea")
"Aurora dos sonhos" is the third album. Despite the presence of the same "Apocalyptical" structures and nice melodies here, this is the most accessible and simple album from this band to date. One gets an impression that that year Apocalypse were working just with the purpose to become one of the most commercially successful bands for the label.
1997 - "Lendas encantadas" (73 min, "Musea")
Originally, "Lendas encantadas" is the very first album by Apocalypse. It was recorded ten years ago - in 1989, and released in the LP format only in Brazil in 1991. In 1997 this album was fully remixed and remastered. Besides the original LP songs composed and recorded in the 80s, the band added three new songs, never released before, which were originally composed in 1992 and 1993. It is quite strangely, but this album, created by the band more than ten years ago, sounds much better than their later works. "Lendas encantadas" is one of the best Neo-albums I ever heard. That's true, its structures are not very complex, but it contains a lot of varied arrangements and fast virtuostic solos from the keyboardist and both guitarists as well. Dynamism is the Artist of the "Lendas encantadas" paintings, most of which are full of original colours. Undoubtedly, this debut album still remains the best work ever created by Apocalypse. They will look forward if they do work backwards searching for the roots of their inspiration. I do wish them to look around before working on new materials.
Summary. To be honest, I don't like to listen to the music without paying attention to lyrics, which play a very important role in any vocal-based album. I mean I don't speak Portuguese. Back to mucis, it is clear that in the beginning of their musical career Apocalypse have tried to play more or less complex Symphonic Rock, and "Lendas encantadas" is a very good album. Unfortunately, the musicians decided to make their following works more melodic and accessible than their debut, and listening to "Aurora dos sonhos" I see already the shadow of stagnation. On the whole, all these albums contain quite original material (which is good), and I've heard just a few episodes influenced by some of the Titans. So, Apocalypse is a good starting stage for Prog-novices toward the more profound and intricate works of Progressive Rock.
Виталий Меньшиков February 1, 2000
Reviewed by: John "Bo Bo" Bollenberg , March 2001
Contrary to a lot of releases from South-American bands this is not a re-release but new material from a current Brazilian quartet. Whilst the band states their idols to be Yes, Marillion, Genesis, ELP, Rush, Pink Floyd, Queen, Vangelis and Jethro Tull you could indeed say that their music is a combination of all these elements with a strong emphasis on Marillion.
Eight of the twelve tracks are original Apocalypse songs whilst four songs are written by keyboard player Eloy Fritsch. Apocalypse’s music is very fluent, very clear in an excellent "open" production by Edu Coelho. The main setback might be the Brazilian singing which, as with Japanese bands, is not always on the same lyrical level as their music. "Magia" holds some nice synth solos and a very crisp drum sound.
Sometimes it’s a pity that the band choses a "cheap" solution where it could’ve added an important extra element. I’m referring to "Fantasia Mistica" where the band applies the use of flute but choses to perform this part on a synth! I mean if you create the possibility and you are a fan of Jethro Tull, then please look out for a guest musician to add real flute to your recording rather than look for a second rate sound. It’s extra painful in this track because it’s an instrumental and the flute could’ve taken over the role of the singer!
Way before the Disney classic, Apocalypse has chosen to include a track by the name of "Notredame" which again is a true showcase for the talented Eloy Fritsch giving Rick Wakeman a run for his money. His playing nicely alternates with the guitar solos of his brother Ruy. Ruy’s acoustic playing in "Nascente" works really well. Singer Chico Casara tries to sound very Fish-like in "Corta" and is helped very much by the strong Marillion flavoured arrangement. Again Eloy’s keyboardplaying is very reminiscent of Rick Wakeman!
As a debut, Perto Do Amanhecer really is a fine album although there are plenty of possibilities for the band to expand their sound and create even more wonderful music.
More about Perto Do Amanhecer:
Track Listing: Ao Cair No Espago (2:48) / Terra Azul (8:28) / Magia (5:52) / Fantasia Mistica (8:01) / Notredame (4:15) / Nascente (3:50) / Na Terra Onde As Folkas Caem (6:23) / Lagrimas (5:42) / Corta (6:11) / A Paz De Solidao (3:19) / Limites De Vento (7:49) / So A Luz De Um Olhar (4:48)
Chico Casara - vocals, bass
Ruy Fritsch - guitars
Eloy Fritsch - synthesizer, organ, piano
Chico Fasoli - drums, electronic percussion
Apocalypse (1991)
Perto Do Amanhecer (1995)
Aurora Dos Sonhos (1996)
Reviewed by: John "Bo Bo" Bollenberg , March 2001
One year after their debut Perto Do Amanhecer, this Brazilian outfit has closely studied all of the criticism that was written regarding their first album. As a result you get a very stunning album comprising only six, but much longer, tracks in which you can hear their various influences.
The line-up hasn’t changed and they have opted to use the same producer as well in order to create their very own sound. The exotic nature of the Portugese singing together with the acoustic intervals creates a music which can be seen in the same vein as the best Italian prog such as PFM and Quella Vecchia Loccanda. Unfortunately they don’t use any guest musicians to add an extra flavour such as violin or flute. They have used flute and violin at the end of the 13-minute long "Ultimo Horizonte" though, but I’m sure it’s the sound of a synth I’m hearing! To compensate for this lack of instrumentation, they have introduced various breaks and rhythm changes that give way to various solos, of which the keyboards make up the bulk. Again the Wakeman influence is very much present, especially in the sound of the Moog-synthesizer which sounds like Wakeman at his peak.
Also I should tell you that the sound of the drums is much better here than on their previous effort. "A Um Passo Da Eternidade’ is an instrumental that can almost be called classical. There’s a piano and a very nice acoustic guitar before the piano takes over once again, leading into some inventive "water-noises" that introduce further spectacular sounds. ‘Do Outro Lado Da Vida’ offers some nice harmonies and soothing passages before heavy guitar leads take you in another direction. The final track "Vindo Das Estrelas" is full of breaks and wonderful solos, although I must underline the weak vocal performance here.
With this new album Apocalypse has put the Marillion "soundalike" comparison aside in order to find their own identity. I’m convinced that their third album will be a stunner, but I would like to recommend the use of guest musicians to add little extras to their otherwise outstanding music (real violin, real flute, harp, cello, you name it). Also I would love to hear at least one song in English so as to have an idea of their international radiation. Meanwhile I’m sure that all lovers of good symphonic rock will spend a nice hour going through these six compositions, and who knows, maybe one day the band will get the opportunity to record together with a huge symphonic orchestra like O Terço did on their Live At The Palace album. Now that would be something!
More about Aurora Dos Sonhos:
Track Listing: Jamais Retornarei (6:23) / Em Apenas Um Segundo (6:34) / Ultimo Horizonte (12:54) / A Um Passo Da Eternidade (9:52) / Do Outro Lado Da Vida (9:57) / Vindo Das Estrelas (12:13)
Chico Casara - vocals, bass
Ruy Fritsch - guitars
Eloy Fritsch - synthesizer, organ, piano, backing vocals
Chico Fasoli - drums, electronic percussion
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