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SAGRADOЭта група мне нравится больше остальных бразильцев, даже больше, чем хвалёные Bacamarte:)Но прог-критики называют их "сахариновыми" и вовсе не хвалят. Да, согласен : они действительно "приторно-сладкие", но если представить, что где-нибудь эта приторность используется наиболее эффективно, так это в Sagrado:)) Высоко-профессиональная группа с очень красивой, изящной, разнообразной (но в рамках приторности) музыкой. И с вокалом (в том числе и женским) и без, с кучей приглашённых, каждый раз разных, музыкантов. В последнем альбоме в двух вещах поёт Andre Matos из группы Angra. Но центральное место в музыке занимает конечно же электро-скрипка знаменитого в Бразилии Marcus'a Viana. В отличии, например, от группы Kaizen, где скрипка настолько вездесуща и агрессивна, что хочется уже отмахнуться, у Sagrado она кажется, парит где-то в далеке, всегда звучит крайне мелодично и красиво, но не более, чем там , где надо и к месту:)). Не знаю даже с кем их сравнить : первое, что подходит к аналогии, наверное итальянцы - Armonite, но у них чистый инструментал и аж две скрипки, и музыка "посерьёзней". Сладким иногда называют Пендрагон, но у Sagrado нет такого же флойдовского : интригующе-таинственно-тягучего. Нет, Sagrado - это группа сама в себе, со своей характерной парящей скрипкой, вместе с португальским (вернее бразильской его разновидностью) вокалом, (иногда и на англ.) и хватающими мелодиями в тихих, вперемежку с заводными вещах, с нередким применением индийских ситара и таблы и др. экзотики делют их не похожими ни на кого:)) Но я даже не знаю кому это рекомендовать : там нет того драматизма (или "сопливости" по выражению Жэки)как у Мариллиона, нет даже той проговости какой хотелось бы : музыка очень проста и близка к попсе. Представляю, как будут плеваться любители "острой", РИО-шной, экспирементальной, мрачно-интригующей или металло-проговой музыки. "Сладость" и в противовес злобности и брутальности, до неприличия светлость Sagrado может и напрочь довести до противного:( Тогда лучше забыть вообще это имя. Есть у них вещи и похуже, и получше. Первый альбом самый тихий, следующий - "Flecha" (на обложке и на пятаке так, а на корешке - "Flexa") мне нравится меньше всего. Самый лучший, на мой взгляд, "Farol da liberdade"; самый "ругательный" считается - это "Grande Espiritu", но мне он нравится : самый "жирненький" (как выражается Quizzus), заводной; последний диск тоже очень даже неплохой - там есть обработки даже "Мадам Батерфляй" Пуччини, Дебюсси и традиционной балийско-африкано-бразильско-непальско-индийской (так в буклете) музыки:)) Короче, только для тех, у кого "сахариновость" в музыке не вызывает рвотный рефлекс:)) Андрей К. г. Новороссийск I heard great things about Sagrado Coracao De Terra from numerous people, so was obviously looking forward to hearing them. Their leader, the late Marcus Viana is an absolutely excellent violin player and is also good on keyboards and vocals as well, but I was less than impressed on first listens. These guys are very accessible and melodic, almost to the point of sounding close to soft rock. Further listens, and they grew on me extremely and are now hard to get of the record player! I think everyone here would appreciate them - the blend of classical and cultural elements with Viana's knack for songwriting make their LPs (self-titled) and Flecha musts for prog fans of all sorts. Beautiful and haunting, gliding and ethereal, I can't get enough of them. Their sound is very symphonic with allusions to South American folk and pop. Driven by the violin of leader Marcus Viana, the music is very emotional in a very classical sort of way, with many dynamic interludes. Female/male vocal harmonies make for some truly beautiful passages. btw/ they are from Brazil and most of the vocals are in portuguese. About Grande Espirito, it's a new style, with a excellent singer named Bauxita (male), with a powerful voice. Grande Espirito is aimed for the foreign market, since two songs are in English, one in Tupi (Indian language) and an instrumental song, plus four songs in Portuguese. Most of Sagrado's song lyrics are about counciess (?), forest preservation, and spiritual uplift (kind of New Age). Yes, they have a violin player. No, they don't sound like PFM! I find their music very commercial sounding and lackluster. I would suggest trying some of the other bands from Brazil before these guys. -- Mike Ohman This band, led by the excellent violinist (keyboards, vocals and arrangements) Marcus Viana, that also includes keyboards, guitars, bass, drums, flutes and choir. Flecha is a light melodic rock that relies on rich symphonic arrangements. The tracks are usually text-based (in Portuguese) and show classical influences through violin and keyboard arrangements. The sustained use of electric instruments (violin included) insures a rock sound but the music often shows a soft romantic touch. For fans of soft, light symphonism. The line-up on Farol da Liberdade also includes guitars, keyboards, bass, drums, flutes, voice (in Spanish) and choir. In fact, the participation of the various instruments is well balanced and their rich symphonic arrangements dominate. The style stays true to rock with a mostly electric sound (violin included), solid rhythms and simple writing. On the other hand, melodies and arrangements show classical influences that are commonly associated with Italian bands. -- Paul Charbonneau Guitarrists: Alexandre Lopes Chico Amaral Fernando Campos Augusto Rennó Alysson Lima Bassists: Edson Plá Mauriti Giló Caio Guimarães Ivan Correia Alysson Lima Gauguin Paulinho Carvalho Percussionists: Zé Arthur Porquinho (Sérgio Viana) Zé Luís Marco Antonio Botelho Nenem João Guimarães Lincoln Cheib Limão (André Queiroz) Mário Castelo Eduardo Campos Key Board Players: Cristiana Ramos Inês Brando Ronaldo Pellicano Lincoln Meirelles Zé Marcos Giácomo Lombardi Vocalists: Marcus Viana Vanessa Falabella Carla Villar Rosani Reis Paula Santoro Bauxita Paula Vargas Rosina Minari "Sacred Heart of Earth", the 6th album of Sagrado is an anthology that celebrates the 20 years of the band and its return to the recording world and live shows. With all lyrics and texts in English, in a retribution to the success of the band in foreign countries, the Cd represents a musical synthesis of Sagrado Coração da Terra's history, remixing and fusing tracks from different periods, with changes in the arrangements and in the harmonic, rhythmic and melodic structures. Remastered in 24 bits, "Sacred Heart of Earth" brings many novelties as instrumental tracks from anterior albums transformed to songs, with Marcus Viana's lyrics and also adaptations of Emily Dickinson's poems, showing the composer's deepest appreciation to the top female American writer of the 19th century. The CD includes pieces composed and produced in 2001 with the new members of the group and presents Malu Aires, the new vocal female leader. As they did with the old audio material, they also modified the graphic projects with new technology. The graphic art shows photos of all Sagrado's musicians from its formation till now in a "design celebration" of the band. After seven years, Sagrado Coração da Terra releases the so long expected "East of the Sun, West of the Moon", fifth CD of the group that presents in this work, a larger number of songs if compared to the former CDs. These are succesfull songs recorded by Marcus Viana for TV series such as "Canção dos Viajantes" and "Serras Azuis" for the Bandeirantes TV and "Clair de Lune", "Madame Butterfly" and "Aquarela do Brasil" for Globo TV. This CD also brings a pop-symphonic version of the great song "Terra" by Caetano Veloso. The CD has the participation of former musicians of Sagrado, of Andre Matos (ex-vocalist of Angra) and also other members of the progressive bands "Dogma" and "Saecula Saeculorum". It was recorded in 36 channels on an analogic-digital system and masterized in 24 bits; this CD presents a sophisticated graphic work with illustrations for each song. This is a special CD not only for Sagrado's fans; but also for the ones who love instrumental music, progressive rock, new age and world music. Sagrado will be celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2001 when an anthologic CD will be released for the international market with lyrics written originally in the english language. The band was formed in 1979 joining the vocal and instrumental music with roots in the rock and classical music. Sagrado has been looked upon, in brazil and abroad, as the most expressive work of the progressive symphonic music of Latin America. Sagrado presents a music that links rock to the force of aboriginal tribal rythms and the beauty and sophistication of the classical. The lyrics tells about the advent of a new era for mankind related to spiritual and ecological questions. Marcus Viana, author of the lyrics and all the music of the group became known to the public by the several sound tracks and overtures for television like "Pantanal", "Chiquinha Gonzaga", "Xica da Silva", "Ana Raio e Zé Trovão", "Serras Azuis", "Terra Nostra" and "Aquarela do Brasil". |
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